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Complaint Filed Against License

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Facing a complaint against your attorney license can be a nerve-wracking experience that puts both your career and reputation on the line. This is the moment when you need more than just a lawyer—you need a compassionate advocate and a seasoned guide. Enter Laura Iosue. With her 30 years of legal expertise, Laura provides not just defense but the genuine advice and guidance crucial for navigating such critical issues. Her charisma instantly puts you at ease, allowing you to focus on the facts rather than the fear. Laura's compassionate and caring approach means you're not just another case; you're a professional whose career is worth safeguarding. When you work with Laura Iosue, you're not merely defending against a complaint—you're investing in the future integrity and success of your legal career.

If the Disciplinary Commission has filed a complaint against your license with the Supreme Court, you file an Answer to the complaint within 30 days. If you fail to answer, the Commission may file a Motion for Judgment on the Complaint, requesting the Court find the allegations to be true.

A hearing officer will be appointed to your case, and your case will be scheduled for an evidentiary fact-finding hearing.  You may settle your case for an agreed sanction, or you may take your case to fact-finding hearing.  If you enter into a settlement agreement, the Supreme Court can reject or accept that agreement. 

After fact-finding hearing, both parties have the right to file Proposed Findings of Facts, Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Sanctions.  The Hearing Officer can accept either party’s proposed findings, or draft his or her own. The Hearing Officer’s Recommended Findings are then submitted to the Indiana Supreme Court. If either party disagrees with the Hearing Officer’s Recommended Findings, they may file a Petition for Review with the Supreme Court. If either party disagrees with the recommended sanction, they may file a Brief on Recommended Sanction with the Supreme Court. Specific timelines are mandated in filing such petitions.

Whether you settle your case, or try it, having an experienced attorney represent you may make the difference.  Remember the old adage about the attorney who represents herself as a client?  Sometimes, it’s true.  You want an attorney who committed to your case, but who is distanced enough to provide you with clear, informed, and honest advice.

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About Laura Iosue

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Laura Iosue (pronounced “YAHZ-way“) is an Indianapolis-based lawyer focused on Criminal Defense, Professional Licensing, Attorney Licensing, CHINS, and more. Laura puts focused attention and care into every case, going far beyond her clients’ expectations. Use the form below and reach out today for a free consultation.