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Applying for Bar & Initial Licensure

Need some help from an experienced attorney licensing professional?

Contact us today for your free consultation.

Taking the first steps toward becoming a licensed attorney is a monumental endeavor. When you need help with issues surrounding the attorney licensing process, you're getting far more than legal expertise—you're gaining a mentor. With 30 years of experience, Laura's charisma and genuine advice turn complex challenges into navigable paths. Her compassion and care mean you're not just another applicant; you're an aspiring professional deserving of personalized guidance. Trust Laura Iosue to not only help you secure your license but also to set the cornerstone for a meaningful legal career.

Initial Licensing and Indiana Bar Exam

Before you sit for the Indiana State Bar Exam, you will be required to fill out an extensive and detailed Indiana Bar Application. This application, endorsed by the Indiana Bar Association, includes your residence history, employment history, any criminal history, and any allegations made against your character for honesty and trustworthiness. You'll also meet with an Indiana attorney who will conduct a Character and Fitness Interview. Being completely candid in your responses is crucial, both legally and strategically.

You have the duty to inform the Board Examiners of certain issues that could affect your eligibility to practice law. Certain issues may trigger heightened scrutiny of your eligibility.

Strategically, it's better to be forthright and disclose any issues from your past, rather than trying to hide your history, hoping it remains undiscovered. A lawyer familiar with the expectations of the Indiana Bar Association can help you present such information in a way that protects your right to practice.

Factors That Could Affect Heightened Scrutiny

The burden is upon you to prove that you are “possess the requisite good moral character and fitness to practice law”. Certain conditions, such as a felony conviction, will be deemed prima facie lacking in good moral character. However, other factors can call your fitness to practice into question.

These issues are not limited to your criminal history. The Board may also consider:

  • Academic misconduct

  • Making of false statements, including omissions

  • Misconduct in employment

  • Acts involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation

  • Abuse of legal process; neglect of financial responsibilities

  • Violation of an order of a court

  • Evidence of mental or emotional instability

  • Evidence of drug or alcohol dependency

  • Denial of admission to the bar in another jurisdiction on character and fitness grounds

  • Disciplinary action by a lawyer disciplinary agency or other professional disciplinary agency of any jurisdiction

Board Investigation

The Board or Character and Fitness Committee may demand you respond to their concerns, and may even personal appearance before the full board, or a panel of Board Members.

Iosue Law can assist you in drafting a response to the Board’s concerns, and appear with you at the personal appearance. Having an attorney with you, and one who knows what to expect, can help you to present your history in the best possible light, guide you about addressing any ongoing issues, and can help you obtain license.

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About Laura Iosue

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Laura Iosue (pronounced “YAHZ-way“) is an Indianapolis-based lawyer focused on Criminal Defense, Professional Licensing, Attorney Licensing, CHINS, and more. Laura puts focused attention and care into every case, going far beyond her clients’ expectations. Use the form below and reach out today for a free consultation.